Coaching is a process for helping people move from where they are to where they want to be. It includes a series of intentional, thought-provoking conversations or “coaching sessions” that inspire awareness, effective strategy, and purposeful action to move through the obstacles and get to the vision. Between these conversations, a client takes action. Then returns to the next coaching session accountable and with the support of the coach to keep moving forward with momentum.
A coach helps you advance from where you are to where you want to be. As you have probably noticed in life, getting from point A to point B can mean navigating all sorts of challenges, overcoming fears, clarifying the vision, and building and nurturing relationships along the way.
It’s not that a person cannot figure out things on their own, but often, that proves difficult or slow or just plain frustrating. There is value in talking through challenges, intentionally shining a light on fears and obstacles to see what’s really going on, and strategically brainstorming and creating solutions. A coach guides a person through the process of creating the life and work they most want. Working with a coach means getting to solutions faster, having breakthroughs sooner, and having the kind of accountability that creates real momentum and results.
Coaching is about you – your goals, your learning, and your growth.
Coaching is about learning – rather than teaching.
Coaching is about all of you – not just your work.
Coaching is about action – your action. Each coaching session you will determine actions steps you will take before the next session. You may be surprised how quickly you progress and grow.
Coaching works because it brings out your best. This is what your coach will do during the coaching sessions:
All types of people hire coaches to help them move from where they are to where they want to be. Coaching helps create the breakthroughs, strategies, and action plans that get a person to their vision and goals. Whether an executive looking to rise higher in their career, a business owner who wants to be more effective, or a parent who wants to improve their parenting skills, there are almost endless reasons that people hire a coach.
A person can hire a coach as an individual. An organization can hire a coach to help key team members or stakeholders. What is most important to note is that those who use a coach must be coachable. That means mentally healthy and functioning, open to change, and willing to do the work change requires.
The coaching process, when done right, is a catalyst for positive behavior change, learning and growth, and the development of habits that produce higher levels of well-being, performance and productivity.
In addition, ICF research has shown that 80% of people who receive coaching report increased self-confidence, and over 70% benefit from improved work performance, relationships, and more effective communication skills. A whopping 86% of companies report that they recouped their investment on coaching and more.
Ask any client with a highly effective coach and they will tell you that their coach has helped them achieve more than they could have on their own. Some of the benefits of having a coach are not so obvious, yet they are felt in tangible ways by the client. We have identified 13 benefits of a highly effective coach.
Especially in times of change and uncertainty, people must navigate obstacles in order to be effective and find new pathways to their goals and needs. As we face unprecedented economic, professional and personal challenges in our world, the need for coaches is even greater. In times of stability, people are wondering about what’s possible and feeling optimistic about their future. During those times, they come to coaching out of a sense of hope and obvious opportunity. In times of instability or uncertainty, people come to coaching in order to be resilient, in order to thrive and not just survive when the odds feel stacked against them.
“You will never maximize your potential in any area without coaching. It is impossible. You may be good. You may even be better than everyone else. But without outside input you will never be as good as you could be.”
Andy Stanley
Your growth starts here. Whether it’s through coaching, speaking, or leadership development, I’m here to help you achieve your goals.
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